Monday, April 20, 2009

Birthday Gift from the Kennerlys

We went over to Kevin and Sarah's this weekend to watch the UFC fights. When we arrived Jaxson had a surprise waiting for him - Tonka Trucks!!!! He loved them!

Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Jaxson in car seat - test picture from iPhone

Sent from my iPhone

Edited after post: Yes, I was able to set up mobile blogging capability via my iPhone! Woohoo! Now, I can blog from anywhere! LOOK OUT!

Visit to the Local Park


Doesn't seem to be sure about the swing yet!

On the Move!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Sunday

Whew...what a weekend! Before heading back to Houston Sunday, Jaxson celebrated his first Easter! The weather was bad in Cushing, so we didn't get to hunt any eggs outside, but he sure had a good time looking for them around my parents' house! Oh!...the Easter Bunny also dropped by for a visit...see below!

Corley Crew

The Easter Bunny has Arrived!

This has got to be the BEST Easter Bunny I've ever seen! Doesn't this just make you laugh?! Way to go Aunt Jocey!

The Easter Bunny with Jaxson

Got any Carrots?

Jaxson's First Birthday Party

While in East Texas for the Easter Holiday Weekend, we decided to throw Jaxson his very first BIRTHDAY PARTY! We had it at my parents' house in Cushing and Jessica's parents came over from Rusk to enjoy the festivities. Needless to say, all the family members in attendance had a great time! Enjoy the pics and video below!

Mickey Mouse B-day Cake (custom-made cake by Mrs. Linda Sides)...YUMMY!

Personalized B-day Cake for Jaxson

Mr. Jaxson...ready for some Chick-Fil-A nuggets and birthday cake

The Three Mousketeers

"Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You!"

Birthday Song

This video is 8+ minutes long...he really starts getting into the cake towards the end

We had to take his shirt off prior to giving him his icing + baby clothes = no good


Mission Accomplished...well done, Jax!

Mickey Mouse Balloon

Table Decorations

The Whole Set-Up

Mickey Says, "Happy 1st Birthday!"

Cake and Chick-Fil-A...perfect.

Present Time!

Jaxson got lots of neat presents...too many to post pictures of all of them. However, this one was pretty cool! Papa Joe had a man hand-engrave Jaxson's name and birth date onto the receiver of this Henry Lever-Action .22 Rifle. WOW!

All by laser work here!

Spring Time in Rusk, Texas

Spring has sprung in Rusk, Texas! We were out riding around Jessica's home town this weekend and stopped to take a few pictures of Jaxson with the pretty flowers. He didn't care much for the pretty colors, but he sure liked picking the petals and tearing them up!

Jaxson with Indian Paintbrushes - can you tell he is shouting? HA!

Jaxson with Bluebonnets

Jessica showing Jaxson a bluebonnet

Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Bunny at Day Care

Jaxson had his first-ever Easter Egg Hunt today at school. Jessica was able to get off of work and attend the festivities (I couldn't make it, unfortunately). But, as you can see, I do believe Mr. Jaxson had a heck of a time!

Jaxson and Mama

Jaxson and The Easter Bunny

Jaxson and his Basket of Eggs

Seafood, Jaxson? YES!

When Mom and Dad were down here for a while, we went over to Market Seafood one Sunday for lunch. Well, Jessica and Papa Joe discovered that Jaxson loved fried catfish!

Friday, April 03, 2009

More Jaxson Pics...

Jaxson and Grannie having a "Tickling Match"

I think they both laughed until they had tears in their eyes!

Jaxson discovered the front door. He was trying very hard to look out the frosted glass to see what was happening out in that Big Ol' World!

Jaxson in his "Happy Car"